Invest Wisely. Produce Great Results. Inspire Confidence.
Whether you’re investing in equities or real estate, the concept is the same – look to buy high quality assets at a discount to intrinsic value." -William Small, JD,CCIM, Founder & CEO, Zenith Investment Group, LLC
Zenith was formed to provide investors with opportunities to make investments in real estate and equities based on sound investment principles with the goal of long-term wealth accumulation.
As a real estate investor, you should be asking the question whether Donald Trump’s Presidency will be good for real estate? We know that Trump is a seasoned investor and developer of prime properties in several real estate markets in the United States and around the world; therefore, a first impression should be that Donald Trump’s election as President would be good for real estate. After all, if anyone would know what can move the real estate market in a positive direction, he should.