Long-term Wealth Accumulation


The investment principles developed by our founder, William Small, are designed to invest capital in both high quality real estate and equities that have been overlooked by the general market. In real estate, we look to invest in well located properties where an opportunity exists to add value; while investing in equities, we look for opportunities to purchase great companies, overlooked by other investors, trading at a significant discount to their intrinsic value. Our overall objective is to acquire quality assets to hold long-term to maximize the accumulation of wealth for our investors.      

Zenith believes that the greatest investors have one thing in common. They first spot the assets that are either great, or could be great, real estate properties, or great companies. They then wait patiently until those assets go on sale. Great investing is the art of buying a property or company at a substantial discount to its “intrinsic value”, the value of an asset despite the fact that the property or company has fallen into disfavor, and then waiting for the rest of the market to recognize its true value. In the world of real estate, its spotting opportunities to “add value”, or emerging market trends that others have missed or overlooked. Zenith Investment Group was formed to provide investors the opportunity to make investments in real estate and equities based on these sound investment principles with the goal of long-term wealth accumulation.

If you are interested in better understanding our investment philosophy and approach, you may wish to subscribe to our Commentary on Real Estate and Equity Investing below.